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Loosing Appetite After Brokeup?

Posted by : Maulana on : Minggu, 08 Februari 2015 0 comments
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Heartbreak caused many changes in lifestyle, consciously or unconsciously, provide a variety of effects which affect the physical and emotional.

One of the negative impact of a broken heart is a woman so hard to eat. Experts call it "The Breakup Diet". The sufferers are those who just ended a relationship. Generally include difficulty eating syndrome, insomnia, and many are so lazy attention to appearance as before.

According to Marina Pearson and Debra Smouse, wedding consultant, this condition can occur because of a sense of longing and disappointment in him. Basically, said Pearson and Smouse, everything that happens in the mind and emotions have a significant impact on your body.

Then, Pearson explains what happened in the chemical levels in the body when the mind is dirudung stress and sadness. "When the mind is stressed, it will automatically trigger the body to release adrenaline that increases cortisol levels," said Pearson.

You need to know that too high cortisol in the body and takes place within a period of time, will reduce the calcium from the bones, increases blood sugar levels and blood pressure. This condition leads to reduced muscle mass, fat buildup, even reduced ability to think.

"In the short term, this situation could affect the immune system. Well, their immune system in the gut, so I wonder if the appetite too affected," he said.

"Many people do not understand that there is a link between stomach and heart, then every food we eat will make us feel the pain. As a result, we were not able to swallow," said Smouse.
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